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position of opening中文是什么意思

用"position of opening"造句"position of opening"怎么读"position of opening" in a sentence


  • 开口部位


  • The delta of the changjiang river is the forward position of opening and reform in our country , which comes first of all economic circles in respect of its integrated strength
  • , in this paper , an integrated navigation system composed of strapdown inertial navigation system ( sins ) and global positioning system ( gps ) was simulated for the purpose of testing the effect of this combination and compare the different performance of two kinds of kalman filters between the position of open loop and close loop
    本文对gps / sins的组合导航模式进行了仿真,检验了其组合的效果,并比较了开环与闭环卡尔曼滤波的性能差异,阐述了联合滤波的算法、结构与效果。
用"position of opening"造句  
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